apples and juniper
A gin made of apple brandy? why not?
Since 2019, the Single Apple Company has been working on its own Gin recipe: the Singe Apple ® Gin, made with Normandy apples, juniper, and aromatics from here and there. The flavors in our Single Apple Gin are produced by second distillation of an apple brandy, which is itself made by distilling a natural apple cider made of untreated apples. We have selected aromatics from here and there for this delicate Gin: apple blossoms, elderberry and blackcurrant blossoms, cornflower, mashmallow flower, kaffir lime… and apples of course!
We have also created Juniperus Malus ®, a brandy made solely of apples and juniper! For this recipe, the juniper aromatics are extracted by distilling an apple brandy. The result is fresh and uniquely fruity, and makes Juniperus Malus truly unique.

a gin flavored with aromatics from here and there
The stars light up in the night, one by one, in the circle drawn by the alchemist.
He alone can access the Book of Wonders that he refers to before starting a new distillation. A first drop, and another, and then a stream of amber flow from the still. Glasses fill, there’s cheering, the senses sharpen.
Then the perfect quintessence can be tasted, the knowledge of the world and of its mysteries deepen. The great journey can start.
The fabulous mastiff, his maw sharp, shows his might, the cat its velvety flexibility, its penetrating sight. Strength and grace allied.
Arnoul C.
flavored Gin - very small batches (100 - 300 bottles)
On tasting, our gin reveals herbaceous and fruity notes on the nose, with a hint of spice. The palate is soft and creamy, with a strong presence of apple on the finish. After a first batch produced in very small quantities, we are expanding production with several new recipes, including through collaborations..
single apple gin
juniperus malus
the apple and juniper brandy
By Jove! What does the Juniperus Malus cuvée have in store for us? The powerful drink in the vial looks set to take away the soul, take away the being almost in spite of us. The winds have picked up, the tide is favorable, let’s sail away! Cast off the moorings, and while the jib slams, throw a last smile to the lighthouse at the end of the pier, the swell is already rocking us.
Strangely, though, the drink summons deeply rooted plants: juniper and apples. They oppose on all accounts, but Juniperus malus unites them. Juniper thrives in harsh limestone, dry heights, sharp light. The tree, with its gnarled branches springing right from the base of the trunk, can live 2,000 years, tormented but unalterable. Each year, it offers berries that flavor beer, lighten dense foods and game. The apple tree blossoms in misty mornings and the alignment of temperate orchards. Cut in a beautiful way, it is a promise of happiness and contemplation.
To the juniper berry the leading role, of bitterness and strength. To the apple a precise and fruity basso continuo. The Calvados lover will rediscover with weal the roundness and freshness of the apple, but this time enhanced by an indomitable juniper.
Arnoul C.
Juniper Malus ® is produced exclusively with apple spirit. Production starts in 2022

single apple gin special
in collaboration with vinomancie
Vinomancie is one of our first traders.
Even more, they are a partner with whom The Single Apple Company creates a bespoke Single Apple Gin.
Its botanics have been carefully selected by Vinomancie to create this delicate and floral Gin: blackcurrant blossoms, verbena, saffron, pine buds… and apples, of course
The Gin aroma itself is obtained by distillation of an organic neutral alcohol.
Artist : Valin Mattheis
Small batch on demand. On tasting, this gin reveals herbaceous and floral notes combining sweetness and bitterness. The palate is soft and creamy, with a strong presence of apple on the finish.
ask for your own project and recipe !